Attempts at long-distance Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) transport have faced significant obstacles. Heavy containers with limited capacity constrained these initiatives, making them economically viable only for wells located too far for pipelines and too close for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) solutions. Consequently, existing CNG projects have been largely restricted to regional markets such as Eastern Canada and the Mediterranean.

GLS will change the CNG transport industry by developing and patenting lightweight, glass fiber reinforced cylinders capable of carrying large volumes of gas at 300 bar. This technology addresses the historical challenges of weight and capacity, allowing for more efficient long-distance transport.

To safely load and unload natural gas at such high pressures, GLS is patenting a sophisticated compression and decompression process. This process effectively manages the temperatures within the cylinders and controls gas flows, ensuring the utmost safety during operations.

GLS’ comprehensive CNG platform includes patent protection for cylinder fabrication and for the loading, unloading, and stacking of cylinders.

Backed by a decade of experience, GLS’s patented technologies ensure a significant cost advantage and a competitive edge. These innovations position GLS as a leader in the CNG transport solutions industry, offering robust and efficient solutions to the challenges that have historically limited the sector.